
Legislation and Government Affairs

One of the most important functions of TRVA is our government relations work. TRVA works successfully with the Texas Legislature and the many state agencies which regulate its members to promote and protect the interests of the RV industry. TRVA also works in cooperation with the Texas Automobile Dealers Association, TADA, and the Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association, RVDA, to monitor and influence issues of importance to the RV industry. TRVA keeps members informed of both proposed and new regulatory or statutory changes that will affect the RV industry. TRVA employs two lobbyists to work on behalf of its members and has an attorney with more than 40 years of motor vehicle industry experience as a resource.

Compliance Alerts 

The TRVA staff creates and emails to members periodic compliance alerts on different subject matters related to the industry.  These usually refer to compliance issues due to the regulations imposed by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Texas Railroad Commission, Texas Office of the Consumer Credit Commissioner, and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.  These timely bulletins are rapidly becoming one of the most important services to the member of the association. 


TRVA realizes the importance of education and information, so we provide a wide variety of support to our members through the annual convention, trade shows, email blasts, webinars, and Dealer Compliance Alerts.  Information is a key component of the service the association provides its members. 


The annual convention provides an opportunity to participate in educational seminars, networking and social events with your industry peers and the vendors to the industry who serve as sponsors of the events.  Held in mid-August each year, the event also hosts the annual membership meeting of the association where the business of the organization is reported to and reviewed by the membership and its leadership.  In addition, each convention hosts a "Dealer Only Meeting" allowing dealers to network among themselves and discuss industry issues. All members should plan to attend the annual convention as it is a valuable component of the industry in Texas. 

Trade Shows

The Southwest RV SuperShow is the annual TRVA-sponsored consumer trade show held in Dallas mid-September. The South Texas RV SuperSale is held in San Antonio each January. The latest RVs are displayed along with products and services from suppliers, aftermarket products, parks and campgrounds, and other RV related services. TRVA also supports other RV trade shows throughout Texas.


TRVA endorses the National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) located in Athens, Texas, which has been organized to provide hands-on training for RV technicians.  NRVTA's programs provide certification level training and ongoing certifications to enable technicians to attain new levels in their profession.  TRVA members receive reduced pricing when they enroll their employees in the various training programs with NRVTA. 

Local Chapter

There are several local chapters around the state. Membership in these chapters is voluntary. They provide a forum for education and networking as well as opportunities to participate in localized activities. Some of the local chapters sponsor regional trade shows.

Credit Card Program 

TRVA endorses i3 Commerce Technology (formerly Infintech), as the credit card processor for its members.  Most business owners are not aware of the costs associated with the processing of the credit cards they accept through their service, parts, and sales departments. i3 Commerce Technology can analyze those costs and provide a revised competitive rate which should benefit your bottom line.  Analysis has revealed significant savings can be realized by allowing i3 Commerce Technology to provide this service and TRVA receives a small income stream from the processor and not the member's savings.  
To contact i3 Commerce Technology, call or email Kevin Walter, Senior Payment Consultant, at (512) 219-8472 or Kevin will personally guide you through the process.  


TRVA endorses a competitive and time-tested member group insurance program. TRVA’s exclusive managing agent has been serving the industry since 1981. See why TRVA is praised for having the best state insurance program in the U.S. by calling Higginbotham Dealer Services (formerly Diversified Insurance Management), 800-332-4264, for your dealer open lot, garage liability, park package, worker’s compensation, F&I training and licensing, service contracts, point of sale RV insurance, GAP and credit life insurance needs.  In addition, Higginbotham Dealer Services also offers a complete lineup of employee benefits including health, dental, and supplemental insurance at competitive rates.