Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Membership may be bestowed upon any TRVA member, person or firm, which has rendered outstanding or praiseworthy service to the RV Industry or has made an outstanding contribution to the success or general welfare of the Texas Recreational Vehicle Association. Lifetime Membership status, with full voting privileges, must be approved by a majority vote at general membership meeting of the Association.
Ed Blain
Jerry Keesee
Ed Schauman, Jr.
J.T. Bowyer
Teri Kruass,
Ed Schauman, Sr.
Billy Buchanan
Edmund Kunz, Jr.
Hugh Seiber
P.J Buerger
Diana LeBlanc-Link
Steve Spearing
Elton Cordell
Peggy Johnson-Lee
Charles Thomas
John Crouch
Libby Mayo, Sr.
Jerry Traylor
Albert de la Garza
Joe Mohney
Larry Troutt, Jr.
Jack Elliott
Dean Nelson
Jerry Vinger
Jerry Harrison
Al Oltmer
Tom Watters, Jr.
David Hoelzer
Bill Pearson
Tom Watters, Sr.
Ron Hoelzer
Jerry Peay
Kevin White
Ron Hoover
Amy Pennington
W.H. Bill White
Cliff Houy
Kenny Peters
Ed Wilkins
Betty Hunt
Lester Pomykal
Hugh Hyatt
Roger Raser